Thursday, July 14, 2011

The making of a friend

Last month I caught up with an old friend from highschool, come to spend a holiday in Romania, together with her English husband and in-laws. And it was a lovely holiday, except for the car crash they had on the very last day. They were not very seriously injured, but the accident kept everyone in the country longer than previously planned.

Luna trecuta m-am intalnit cu o veche prietena din liceu, venita in vacanta in Romania, cu sotul si socrii ei englezi. Si a fost o vacanta minunata, cu exceptia accidentului de masina din ultima zi. N-au fost raniti foarte grav, dar accidentul i-a tinut in tara mai mult decat era planificat.
Which gave me the chance to spend more time with Maureen, who is a quilter! Can you imagine that? A real, flesh-and-blood quilter, who owns sewing machines and buys fabrics, organises tea parties and is part of several (several!) quilting and embroidery clubs. Such a character might sound like a myth to someone living in a country with no fabric shops and no "quilt" in the dictionary. But mark my words, my crafty Romanian sisters, they do exist!

Ceea ce mi-a dat ocazia sa petrec mai mult timp cu Maureen, care face quilturi! Puteti sa va imaginati asa ceva? O persoana in carne si oase, care are masini de cusut si cumpara materiale si organizeaza serate englezeti si face marte din mai multe (mai multe) cluburi de quilt si broderie. Asa ceva ar putea parea un mit celor ce locuiesc intr-o tara fara magazine de materiale si fara cuvantul "quilt" in dictionar. Dar luati aminte la vorbele mele, exista!

She was kind enough to spend an afternoon at my place, and we talked and talked. I actually used words like "mitre" and "bias binding" and "applique", words which I knew but had never uttered in my life, for lack of anyone who would understand them.

A fost draguta si a petrecut o dupa amiaza la mine acasa, si am vorbit intr-una. Am apucat sa folosesc cuvinte cum ar fi "mitre" si "bias binding" si "applique", cuvinte pe care le stiam dar pe care nu le-am rostit niciodata in viata mea, pentru ca nu aveam cui.

Talking to her for a few hours was a sensory overload that only reading 5 new craft magazines at the same time could give you.
Vorbind cu ea cateva ore m-am simtit de parca as fi citit 5 reviste de craft noi, toate in acelasi timp.

This miracle made me decide to revive my Green Monday, so from now on I'll do a post every Monday, expressing my envy towards those more craftily endowed or fortunate than me. All in good humour, though! :) (more or less).

Acest miracol m-a determinat sa hotarast reinvierea Lunilor Verzi, asa ca de acum inainte voi posta in fiecare luni, exprimandu-mi invidia fata de cei/cele mai inzestrate sau mai norocoase decat mine din punct de vedere al craftului. Totul in mod amical, desigur! (mai mult sau mai putin).


...tiktakro... said...

Oh, how I know that feeling....the same happened to me last year with my friend Beverley even that she was not into it (patchwork) as you friend is...and how I loved to meet your friend, too ;).

Mihaela said...

Good for you!
Now I am the last one knowing things about quilting only from the internet and books! ;)

Maureen said...

I had such a lovely time too. A N fed and watered me with lovely cake and mint tea - plan to visit again! We talked sewing and I had a lovely time, thank you.
Am avut un asemenea minunata prea mult timp. Un n mincare si apa-ma cu frumoasa Prajitura si menta ceai-plan sa viziteze din nou! Am vorbit cusut si am avut o iubita timp, va multumesc.
I hope the above is correct.
Sper ca de mai sus este corecta