Somebody used to complain of the thermal inadequacy of the bedding available at my humbe abode.
Cineva se tot plangea de ineficienta asternuturilor puse la dispozitie in umila mea casa.
Cineva se tot plangea de ineficienta asternuturilor puse la dispozitie in umila mea casa.
Somebody also fell (a little bit obsessively) in love with the design of a plate belonging to our friends.
Cineva s-a indragostit de asemena (un pic obsesiv) de modelul de pe o farfurie a unor prieteni.
Cineva s-a indragostit de asemena (un pic obsesiv) de modelul de pe o farfurie a unor prieteni.
So I, the generous, creative, patient and thoughtful person that I am, had the brilliant idea to combine the wish and the complaint into one dancing-people-themed birthday present.
Asa ca eu, persoana generoasa, creativa, rabdatoare si grijulie care sunt, am avut ideea geniala de a combina dorinta si reclamatia intr-un cadou pe tema "omuleti dansand".
Asa ca eu, persoana generoasa, creativa, rabdatoare si grijulie care sunt, am avut ideea geniala de a combina dorinta si reclamatia intr-un cadou pe tema "omuleti dansand".
I started from the design on the plate, turned it into stencils of various sizes, and stenciled the living daylights out of everything that came my way. Thus, somebody received the following:
Am inceput de la modelul de pe farfurie, pe care l-am transformat in sabloane de diferite marimi, dupa care am pictat tot ce mi-a picat in mana. Astfel, cineva a primit urmatoarele:
A little-dancing-people quilt. This is actually the second one I made, as I hated the first version. I will give you the entire saga in a future post.
Un quilt cu omuleti dansand. Asta e de fapt al doilea quilt facut, nu mi-a placut deloc prima versiune. O sa va povestesc toata saga intr-un post viitor.
Un quilt cu omuleti dansand. Asta e de fapt al doilea quilt facut, nu mi-a placut deloc prima versiune. O sa va povestesc toata saga intr-un post viitor.
Un fular/ esarfa cu omuleti dansand:
...precum si alte chestii care (in mod miraculos!) n-au omuleti dansand pe ele.
After a silly beer-and-popcorn party, somebody had a very good birthday sleep:
Dupa un chef zapacit cu popcorn si bere, cineva a dormit foarte bine:
1 comment:
Well, this is QUITE a work !
I LOVE it! those dancing men are perfectly for a ...manly quilt.
Great ! Congrats for it.
P.S. I'm sure he sleeps ( and snores :)) ) pretty nice under it, isn't it ? ;)
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