Psst! Come closer! I wanna tell you something, but it's kind of a secret.... Ok, are you listening?
Psst! Hai mai aproape! Vreau sa-ti spun ceva, dar e cam secret... OK, asculti?
A few weeks ago, She took us to a fair. We are used to them already: she puts us on display and people come and look and touch and say oh-look-how-cute and some of us even get adopted, which is a bit heartbreaking, if you ask me, as I never get to see my brothers again, but I guess it's also a good thing, as we muckla are curious beings and it's always good to see other places and live in other people's drawers, since frankly I'm quite sick of the shelf I have to live on at home, where She puts us for weeks on end and nobody comes to play with us unless maybe that new baby comes to visit and nibbles on us a little.
Acum cateva saptamani, Ea ne-a dus la un targ. Deja suntem obisnuiti cu ele: ne expune si vin oamenii si se uita si pun mana si zic vai-uite-ce-dragut si unii dintre noi sunt chiar adoptati, ceea ce e un pic tragic dupa parerea mea, pentru ca nu mai apuc sa-mi vad fratii niciodata, dar presupun ca e si ceva bun, fiindca noi mishumacii suntem fiinte curioase si intotdeauna e fain sa vezi alte locuri si sa locuiesti in sertare la altii, ca sincer sa spun m-am cam saturat de raftul pe care trebuie sa locuiesc acasa, unde Ea ne pune sa stam saptamani de-a randul si nu vine nimeni sa se joace cu noi, numai daca nu vine copilu' ala nou din cand in cand si ne rontzaie un pic.

But what She doesn't know, and I bet you didn't know either, is that we don't really stand still. I mean, come on, we are alert intelligent inquisitive extremely bright beings, and shelves are just too boring. So, whenever people aren't looking, we wander in search of shiny things. We love shiny things. Some of us go shopping...
Dar ceea ce nu stie ea, si pun pariu ca nici tu nu stiai, este ca noi nu prea stam linistiti. Adica, sa fim seriosi, suntem fiinte inteligente, curioase, extrem de alerte, si rafturile sunt pur si simplu prea plictisitoare. Asa ca, ori de cate ori nu se uita oamenii, noi plecam in cautare de lucrusoare stralucitoare. Ne place tare mult tot ce straluceste. Unii din noi merg la cumparaturi...

I swear, if she brings home any more shiny stuff, I'm going to throw her off the shelf, we are crowded enough as it is, fabrics and us and button jars and more of us and boxes and all.
Pe cuvant, daca asta mai aduce acasa multe chestii lucioase, o arunc de pe raft, deja suntem destul de inghesuiti si asa, cu materiale si cu noi si borcane cu nasturi si iarasi noi si cutii si tot felu'.
I personally am one who appreciates art, so I wandered onto Carmen's shelves, to admire her creations. Exquisitely crafted, I tell you!
Eu personal sunt un admirator al artei, asa ca m-am plimbat un pic pe rafturile lui Carmen, ca sa-i admit creatiile. Impecabil executate, va spun!
Greenie here is the more studious kind, and he always manages to find something to inspect, research or explore: fimo creations...
Greenie al nostru e genul mai studios, el tot timpul gaseste ceva de inspectat, de cercetat sau de explorat: creatii din fimo...
...or even new species. Much to our delight, he discovered these creatures that are called stripeys apparently and they are all a bit silly but then who am I to judge, since many people call us silly too, which we most definitely are not.
...sau chiar specii noi. Spre marea noastra incantare, a descoperit creaturile astea care cica se numesc stripey si sunt cam natangi dar in fond cine sunt eu sa judec, doar si noua ne zice multa lume ca suntem natangi, desi nu-i adevarat deloc.
The stripeys are friends with this big creature the name of which I don't know and Greenie didn't manage to find out either, even if he looked through his books and even dared ask the thing what it was, but it didn't say anything.
Stripey astia sunt prieteni cu o creatura mare care nu stiu cum se numeste si nici Greenie n-a reusit sa afle, desi s-a uitat prin carti si chiar a indraznit sa-l intrebe pe animal ce e, dar n-a zis nimic.
This other brother of mine is such a sucker for cuddly things, and I just couldn't get him to stop throwing himself in amongst the cushions. But I have to say, Flavia's pillows were just thoo thoft...
Alt frate de-al meu adora lucrurile moi, si nu l-am putut opri sa se arunce repetat intre pernele Flaviei. Dar trebuie sa recunosc, pernele eu sunt asa de moooi...
A, oare v-am spus ca ne plac lucrusoarele stralucitoare?
All in all, we had a great time, even if we have to interrupt our activities and pretend we're sitting nicely on the shelf every time someone turns around. It's a tough life, but someone has to do it, otherwise there's be no more fun left in this world, and that would be such a pity. Wouldn't it?
Oh! As i said, don't tell anyone! Deal?
Pana la urma ne-am distrat foarte bine, chiar daca trebuie sa ne intrerupem activitatile si sa ne prefacem ca stam frumos pe raft de fiecare data cand se intoarce cineva. E o viata grea, dar cineva trebuie s-o faca si pe asta, altfel n-ar mai fi niciun pic de veselie in lume si asta ar fi mare pacat. Asa-i?
A, si, dupa cu spuneam, sa nu spui nimanui! Bine?