Monday, November 23, 2009

The Monthly General Helpers' Meeting

I'm having second thoughts. Maybe this whole elf thing was not such a good business decision after all. I mean, you clothe them, you feed them, you give them cake and cigarette breaks and RIGHTS! and what do they do in return? Ignore every single regulation in the Helper Elf's Guidelines book.
Incep sa am dubii.Poate ca toata treaba asta cu elfii a fost o decizie de afaceri foarte proasta. Pai, ii imbraci, ii hranesti, le dai prajitura si pauze de tzigara si DREPTURI! si ce fac ei in schimb? Ignora fiecare regula din Manualul Elfului Ajutator.

Now that they have a Union, they even have the nerve to file a complaint that my internet is too slow! Try to impose your will, and you get "But master, these are not naked women, these are artistic nudes!" Bah!
Acum ca au si sindicat, mai au si tupeul sa inainteze o plangere ca imi merge internetul prea incet. Incerci sa-ti impui vointza, si auzi "dar stapana, astea nu-s femei goale, astea sunt nuduri artistice!" Pfft!
How careless do you have to be for even an eyless muckla to be able to steal your tea? Lucky I caught them in the act!
Cat de indolent trebuie sa fii incat chiar si un mishumac fara ochi sa-ti poata fura ceaiul? Noroc ca i-am prins eu in flagrant!
At least I have one faithful elf left.
Macar mai am un elf credincios, totusi.
She stitched and stitched, bless her little heart, and she did her best to keep some order in the motley gaggle of dolls that were pushing and shoving waiting for their turn to be adorned.
A cusut si a cusut saraca, si s-a straduit sa mentina ordinea in cardul de papusi care se impingeau si imbranceau asteptandu-si randul sa fie decorate.
Hard work being master of helper elves, I tell ya!
Treaba grea sa fii stapan de elf, va zic io!


Sanda said...

say hi to elves from me! and a hug to the master!

codrutza said...

auzi? io po' sa fiu elfu delegat? care`i mereu plecat, niciodata prezent da mereu cu gura mare? :D