Monday, November 23, 2009

Green Eyed Monday on a Tuesday

Did it again! This time I'm not a day late, but a week and a day. I had promised Dora I'd post this last week, but I was prevented by a mixture of busy-ness and bad memory.

Iar am comis-o! De data asta nici macar nu am intarziat cu o zi, ci cu o saptamana si o zi. Ii promisesem Dorei ca voi posta asta saptamana trecuta, dar am fost impiedicata de o combinatie de treburi si mamorie proasta.
But here I am today, and with me are some of Dora's lovely creations:some quilted necklaces that are right up my alley. Except I didn't think of them first. Which qualifies them for this week's envy post :D
Dar iata ca azi am reusit, si va prezint cateva din minunatele creatii ale Dorei: niste coliere quiltuite care sunt fix stilul meu. Doar ca nu m-am gandit eu la ele inainte. Ceea ce le califica pentru postul invidios al acestei saptamani :D

In other news, I've been ignoring my blog, and my friends, and my messy wardrobe and spending every little spare minute I have working on dolls. But they will be done soon and then... we shall meet againa!
Altfel, imi ignor blogul, si prietenii, si dulapul dezordonat si folosesc fiecare minutzel liber pe care-l am lucrand la papusi. Dar vor fi gata in curand si apoi ... ne vom reintalni!


Elena said...

Si eu invidiez ce face Dora si nu numai. Te invidiez si pe tine pentru papusile pe care le faci.

Dora said...

Hi hi, multumesc Anca pentru post si sunt fericita ca-ti plac colierele mele si ca sunt pe gustul tau...fiindca mie-mi place stilul tau.Dora