Thursday, September 3, 2009

Raphaella, the ragged angel

This is Raphaella. Poor thing, she's in such a state.
Aceasta este Raphaella. Saraca de ea, in ce hal e.
She's obviously an angel, but most people in Falushtain believe in no such things, and naturally assume she is just a common fairy. Oh, but she is so much more than that!
Evident, e un inger. Dar majoritatea oamenilor din Falushtain nu cred in asa ceva, asa ca presupun ca ea e doar o zana obisnuita. O, dar e cu mult mai mult decat atat!
She has no recollection of how she got to roam the streets of Falushtain, but it must have been a terrible event. However, it has been a long time since she first found herself here, and she has given up trying to convince people that what she says is true.
Nu-si aminteste cum a ajuns sa bantuie strazile Falushtainului, dar trebuie sa fi fost o intamplare groaznica. Totusi, a trecut mult timp de cand s-a trezit aici pentru prima data, si de atunci a renuntat sa mai incerce sa convinga oamenii de adevarul spuselor sale.
Deserted and misunderstood , she has taken to drinking absinthe. She has even been spotted smoking on occasions, and her language has been reported to be rather scandalous at times. Not that she would ever admit to that, she is an angel after all!
Parasita si neinteleasa, a inceput sa bea absint. A fost vazuta chiar fumand, si se spune ca limbajul ei e scandalos cateodata. Nu ca ar recunoaste asta vreodata, doar e un inger, nu?
Sometimes she catches mere glimpses of her past and her home world, but try as she might, she cannot figure out how to go back there, or even where "there" is. So she sits alone, lost in her yearning thoughts.
Uneori prinde cate o imagine din trecutul sau si din lumea ei de bastina, dar oricat ar incerca, nu-si poate da seama cum sa se intoarca acolo, sau macar unde e acel "acolo". Asa ca sta singura, pierduta in ganduri.
When she does socialise, she prefers the company of vampires, as they are the only ones who know what it's like to roam the world forever, immortal, tormented and misunderstood.
Cand totusi socializeaza, prefera compania vampirilor, pentru ca sunt singurii care inteleg ce inseamna sa mergi prin lume pentru totdeauna, nemuritor, chinuit si neinteles.
If only she had a friend, someone to believe her, she might recover her past whiteness...and maybe even dare to work a miracle or two!
Macar daca ar avea un prieten, cineva care s-o creada, poate si-ar recapata albeata de odinioara si poate ar indrazni chiar sa faca o minune-doua!



O placere sa vin pe tine...cata imaginatie! Si totusi parca e prea trista papusa

Imi place grozav: povestea, aripile quiltuite, ochii (pacat ca plang)si ..iarasi povestea:)

Elena said...

Ha...ha...ce amuzanta poveste chiar daca personajul principal este cam trist. Pe mine ma amuza imaginatia ta si lumea falushtain si pausile tale care, se pare ca au fiecare cate o poveste. Abia astept tiparul promis si tema sa intru si eu in lumea ta. Elena

ioana said...

believe it or not, papusa asta seamana cu sora mea. bineinteles, sunt amandoua frumoase :) ce ar trebui sa fac pentru ca Raphaella sa devina a mea [si de la mine sa treaca la sora mea, drept cadou :)]?