Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Somebody stop me!

I seem to be on a creative roll lately! So, here's what I finished yesterday:
Se pare ca sunt intr-o pasa de creativitate si eficienta in ultima vreme. Iote ce-am terminat ieri:
This (way too pink, if you ask me) cutie is going to Timisoara. She was made to order, that explains the pinkness. Honest.
Dulcica asta (mult prea roz, parerea mea) va merge la Timisoara. A fost facuta la comanda, asta explica rozul. Pe cuvant.
And here you have a preview of Emmet the poet. He's not quite ready yet, he needs a belt and his book of poems and maybe more make-up. But I really like how he's turning out, so I just had to share. I'll take some better pics when he's ready.
Si aici aveti o avanpremiera a lui Emmet, poetul. Nu e chiar gata, ii mai trebuie o curea si cartea de poezii, si probabil inca putin machiaj. Dar imi place la nebunie cum a iesit, si trebuia sa va arat. Voi face niste poze mai bune cand e gata.

His hair is over the place (love the look!), you can't really see that in the pics.
Parul ii sta in toate directiile, nu prea se vede in poze.

And here is the prize I mentioned in a previous post, at its rightful place. I'm still hesitant to actually stick it on. I'm so used to temporary dwellings that I've formed this habit of not making anything too permanent: what if I move and my poor num-num monster will have to stay behind?
Si aici e premiul amintit intr-un post anterior, la locul sau de drept. Inca nu ma pot hotari sa-l lipesc cum trebuie. Sunt asa de obsinuita cu locuinte temporare, ca mi-am format obiceiul de a nu face nimic prea permanent: daca ma mut si saracu' monstruletz va trebui sa ramana aici?

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