...or so the cuddlecreeps say. They always flee before her, some even crying. Poor cuddlecreeps have such sensitive natures, and Noreen is much too frank for their liking.
Noreen is a good girl really, apart from this big flaw she has. She tells the truth. All the time. Especially when she's not supposed to.
Noreen is all ribbons and polka dots and cuteness... until you get to talk to her.
By the way, you there. Yes, you, reading this. You look awful in that shirt, whatever were you thinking?! Oh, and you must do something about your hair...
*Later edit: due to popular demand, Eileen is now called Noreen. Apparently Eileen was too Seinfeld-esque and not fit for a goth girl. I obey the wish of those wiser than me ;)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Looks like what Sanda said in an older comment of hers came true, sooner than expected even. Chilperic has just been featured on Found Handmade, how cool is that! :D Scroll down if you can't see him, he's in the second lot of dolls.
Se pare ca ce mi-a spus Sanda intr-un comentariu mai demult s-a adeverit, ba chiar mai devreme decat m-as fi asteptat. Chilperic tocmai a fost expus pe Found Handmade, super, nu? :D Mergeti putin mai jos pe pagina daca vreti sa-l vedeti, e in a doua tura de poze cu papushi.
Soo, I'll let others be envious this Monday (or Tuesday). ;)
Asa caaa... voi lasa pe altii sa fie invidiosi lunea (sau ma rog, martea) asta ;)
Se pare ca ce mi-a spus Sanda intr-un comentariu mai demult s-a adeverit, ba chiar mai devreme decat m-as fi asteptat. Chilperic tocmai a fost expus pe Found Handmade, super, nu? :D Mergeti putin mai jos pe pagina daca vreti sa-l vedeti, e in a doua tura de poze cu papushi.
Soo, I'll let others be envious this Monday (or Tuesday). ;)
Asa caaa... voi lasa pe altii sa fie invidiosi lunea (sau ma rog, martea) asta ;)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Love stories of Falushtain
Many girls of Falushtain have lost sleep over the dreamy face of Emmet. His large sorrowful blue eyes and his soft, kindly attitude make him quite irresistible. Pale, brooding and utterly handsome, he sits in his favourite spot in the graveyard, running his hands through his disheveled hair as he pores over his verses.
Multe fete din Falushtain stau treze noaptea gandindu-se la fatza visatoare a lui Emmet. Ochii lui mari, albastri si tristi si atitudinea lui blanda il fac irezistibil. Palid, ganditor si teribil de frumos, el sta in locul lui preferat din cimitir, trecandu-si mainile prin parul dezordonat in timp ce mediteaza asupra propriilor versuri.
Multe fete din Falushtain stau treze noaptea gandindu-se la fatza visatoare a lui Emmet. Ochii lui mari, albastri si tristi si atitudinea lui blanda il fac irezistibil. Palid, ganditor si teribil de frumos, el sta in locul lui preferat din cimitir, trecandu-si mainile prin parul dezordonat in timp ce mediteaza asupra propriilor versuri.
Emmet is well known in the community of Falushtain. As befits all poets, he drinks absinthe, eats barely anything, and has not laughed in the past 10 years.
But there is no hope for any girl of Falushtain but one. Emmet's heart belongs to Sylvia only, and every verse he writes is for her.
Emmet e binecunoscut in comunitatea din Falushtain. Dupa cum ii sade bine oricarui poet, el bea absint, nu mananca mai nimic si nu a ras deloc in ultimii 10 ani.
Dar nu exista speranta pentru nici o fata din Falushtain in afara de una. Inima lui Emmet apartine Sylviei, si fiecare vers pe care il scrie e pentru ea.
Here is one sample of the many expressions of his undying love:
Iata o mostra din multele expresii ale iubirii sale eterne:
Dar Sylvia e pe atat de rece si neiertatoare pe cat este Emet de pasional. Sarcastica, taioasa si atat de frumoasa, ea are o slabiciune pentru Emmet, dar nu ar recunoaste asta niciodata. Chiar daca anihileaza cu ironia ei ascutita toate demersurile idealiste ale lui Emmet, se ingrijeste in secret de bunastarea lui. Emmet nu ar fi reusit sa-si publice poeziile fara interventia ei, si probabil ca ar muri de foame fara ajutorul casnic al Sylviei.
Everyone in Falushtain agrees they make an odd couple. But what's a bit of odd in a land where zombies are respectable teachers and two-headed creatures hold functions in the local administration?
Toata lumea in Falushtain e de acord ca sunt un cuplu ciudat. Dar ce-i un pic de ciudatzenie intr-un taram unde zombie sunt profesori respectabili, iar creaturi cu doua capete ocupa functii in administratia locala?
But there is no hope for any girl of Falushtain but one. Emmet's heart belongs to Sylvia only, and every verse he writes is for her.
Emmet e binecunoscut in comunitatea din Falushtain. Dupa cum ii sade bine oricarui poet, el bea absint, nu mananca mai nimic si nu a ras deloc in ultimii 10 ani.
Dar nu exista speranta pentru nici o fata din Falushtain in afara de una. Inima lui Emmet apartine Sylviei, si fiecare vers pe care il scrie e pentru ea.
Here is one sample of the many expressions of his undying love:
Iata o mostra din multele expresii ale iubirii sale eterne:
Sylvia is the light of my day
With her I feel airy, like a souffle -
Without her, my heart hangs heavy and gray
And life is a giant bouquet of decay.
But Sylvia is as cold and relentless as Emmet is passionate. Sarcastic, sharp and oh so beautiful, she does have a soft spot for Emmet but would not admit it in a million years. Even if she annihilates Emmet's idealistic endeavours with her keen irony, she secretly looks after his wellbeing. Emmet would never have managed to get his poems published without Sylvia's intervention, and he would probably starve to death without her household help.With her I feel airy, like a souffle -
Without her, my heart hangs heavy and gray
And life is a giant bouquet of decay.
Dar Sylvia e pe atat de rece si neiertatoare pe cat este Emet de pasional. Sarcastica, taioasa si atat de frumoasa, ea are o slabiciune pentru Emmet, dar nu ar recunoaste asta niciodata. Chiar daca anihileaza cu ironia ei ascutita toate demersurile idealiste ale lui Emmet, se ingrijeste in secret de bunastarea lui. Emmet nu ar fi reusit sa-si publice poeziile fara interventia ei, si probabil ca ar muri de foame fara ajutorul casnic al Sylviei.
Everyone in Falushtain agrees they make an odd couple. But what's a bit of odd in a land where zombies are respectable teachers and two-headed creatures hold functions in the local administration?
Toata lumea in Falushtain e de acord ca sunt un cuplu ciudat. Dar ce-i un pic de ciudatzenie intr-un taram unde zombie sunt profesori respectabili, iar creaturi cu doua capete ocupa functii in administratia locala?
Sylvia and Emmet are for sale (hopefully together) in my online shop.
Sylvia si Emmet sunt de vanzare (sper ca impreuna) in magazinul meu virtual.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Green-eyed Monday
Today I don't hate. Today I'm not envious or jealous. Today I LOVE Alisa's imagination, and her workmanship, and all the pretty details, and all the oh, so wonderfully expressive characters. I have not seen something so beautiful in the handmade world for a very long time.
Azi nu urasc. Azi nu sunt invidioasa sau geloasa. Azi ador imaginatia Alisei, toate detaliile dragutze si personajele atat de expresive. De mult n-am vazut ceva atat de frumos in lumea lucrurilor facute de mana.
Do go and check out all the pictures in her photostream. I chose to show you the photo above because the creatures look like mucklor, with whom I have had a long love affair. The one below I chose simply because it's beautiful.
Uitati-va la toate pozele de pe pagina ei. Am ales sa va arat poza de mai sus deoarece creaturile seamana cu mucklor, carora le port o dragoste statornica. Poza de jos am ales-o pur si simplu pt ca e frumoasa.
*Sigh... so sweet I could get diabetes :D
Do go and check out all the pictures in her photostream. I chose to show you the photo above because the creatures look like mucklor, with whom I have had a long love affair. The one below I chose simply because it's beautiful.
Uitati-va la toate pozele de pe pagina ei. Am ales sa va arat poza de mai sus deoarece creaturile seamana cu mucklor, carora le port o dragoste statornica. Poza de jos am ales-o pur si simplu pt ca e frumoasa.
*Sigh... so sweet I could get diabetes :D
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Somebody stop me!
I seem to be on a creative roll lately! So, here's what I finished yesterday:
Se pare ca sunt intr-o pasa de creativitate si eficienta in ultima vreme. Iote ce-am terminat ieri:
His hair is over the place (love the look!), you can't really see that in the pics.
Parul ii sta in toate directiile, nu prea se vede in poze.
And here is the prize I mentioned in a previous post, at its rightful place. I'm still hesitant to actually stick it on. I'm so used to temporary dwellings that I've formed this habit of not making anything too permanent: what if I move and my poor num-num monster will have to stay behind?
Si aici e premiul amintit intr-un post anterior, la locul sau de drept. Inca nu ma pot hotari sa-l lipesc cum trebuie. Sunt asa de obsinuita cu locuinte temporare, ca mi-am format obiceiul de a nu face nimic prea permanent: daca ma mut si saracu' monstruletz va trebui sa ramana aici?
Se pare ca sunt intr-o pasa de creativitate si eficienta in ultima vreme. Iote ce-am terminat ieri:
This (way too pink, if you ask me) cutie is going to Timisoara. She was made to order, that explains the pinkness. Honest.
Dulcica asta (mult prea roz, parerea mea) va merge la Timisoara. A fost facuta la comanda, asta explica rozul. Pe cuvant.
Dulcica asta (mult prea roz, parerea mea) va merge la Timisoara. A fost facuta la comanda, asta explica rozul. Pe cuvant.
And here you have a preview of Emmet the poet. He's not quite ready yet, he needs a belt and his book of poems and maybe more make-up. But I really like how he's turning out, so I just had to share. I'll take some better pics when he's ready.
Si aici aveti o avanpremiera a lui Emmet, poetul. Nu e chiar gata, ii mai trebuie o curea si cartea de poezii, si probabil inca putin machiaj. Dar imi place la nebunie cum a iesit, si trebuia sa va arat. Voi face niste poze mai bune cand e gata.
Si aici aveti o avanpremiera a lui Emmet, poetul. Nu e chiar gata, ii mai trebuie o curea si cartea de poezii, si probabil inca putin machiaj. Dar imi place la nebunie cum a iesit, si trebuia sa va arat. Voi face niste poze mai bune cand e gata.
His hair is over the place (love the look!), you can't really see that in the pics.
Parul ii sta in toate directiile, nu prea se vede in poze.
And here is the prize I mentioned in a previous post, at its rightful place. I'm still hesitant to actually stick it on. I'm so used to temporary dwellings that I've formed this habit of not making anything too permanent: what if I move and my poor num-num monster will have to stay behind?
Si aici e premiul amintit intr-un post anterior, la locul sau de drept. Inca nu ma pot hotari sa-l lipesc cum trebuie. Sunt asa de obsinuita cu locuinte temporare, ca mi-am format obiceiul de a nu face nimic prea permanent: daca ma mut si saracu' monstruletz va trebui sa ramana aici?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Green-eyed Monday
The person who irks me most today is Colette. She makes the most beutiful bags: such calm pretty colours, such utterly cool combinations, such perfect workmanship. I don't understand her blog posts, but that doesn't stop me from drooling on all her pictures! (oh yes,the pictures are great too).
Persoana care ma irita cel mai mult astazi este Colette. Face cele mai faine genti: ce niste culori calme si dragutze, ce combinatii faine de culori, ce cusaturi perfecte. Nu inteleg textul blogului ei, dar asta nu ma impiedica sa salivez pe toate pozele (a, da, mai face si poze faine!).
Persoana care ma irita cel mai mult astazi este Colette. Face cele mai faine genti: ce niste culori calme si dragutze, ce combinatii faine de culori, ce cusaturi perfecte. Nu inteleg textul blogului ei, dar asta nu ma impiedica sa salivez pe toate pozele (a, da, mai face si poze faine!).
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The previous post was part of a DaWanda competition, as you probably figured out. What you may not have figured out is that I won! And that silly-cute fridge sticker will be all mine soon.
Postul precedent a reprezentat participarea mea la o competitie a DaWanda, cum probabil v-ati dat seama deja. Ceea ce probabil nu v-ati dat seama e ca am castigat! Si dulcicul ala de abtibild pt frigider va fi al meu in curand.
In other news, I have just become a supplier of handmade greeting cards for a large bookstore in town. Here is what I came up with, it will be great if they actually sell.
Alte stiri ar fi ca tocmai am devenit furnizor de felicitari facute de mana pentru o librarie mare din oras. Cam asta am creat pentru prima tura, ar fi fain daca s-ar vinde :)
Wait, I have more to brag with! I made 2 pairs of earrings today, for 2 family friends (mother and daughter). I really like how the ones with buttons turned out, I think I'll have to make a pair for myself (with more reasonable colours, of course).
Stati, ca mai am ceva cu care sa ma laud! Am facut azi 2 perechi de cercelusi pentru niste prietene de familie, mama si fiica. Astia cu nasturi imi plac la nebunie, cred ca va trebui sa-mi fac si mie o pereche (cu culori mai decente, bineinteles).
I totally forgot about Green-eyed Monday this week! I have an excuse, it was more like zombie Monday.
Am uitat complet de Lunea invidiei saptamana asta. Am o scuza, avand in vedere ca a fost mai mult Lunea zombie.
Postul precedent a reprezentat participarea mea la o competitie a DaWanda, cum probabil v-ati dat seama deja. Ceea ce probabil nu v-ati dat seama e ca am castigat! Si dulcicul ala de abtibild pt frigider va fi al meu in curand.
In other news, I have just become a supplier of handmade greeting cards for a large bookstore in town. Here is what I came up with, it will be great if they actually sell.
Alte stiri ar fi ca tocmai am devenit furnizor de felicitari facute de mana pentru o librarie mare din oras. Cam asta am creat pentru prima tura, ar fi fain daca s-ar vinde :)
Wait, I have more to brag with! I made 2 pairs of earrings today, for 2 family friends (mother and daughter). I really like how the ones with buttons turned out, I think I'll have to make a pair for myself (with more reasonable colours, of course).
Stati, ca mai am ceva cu care sa ma laud! Am facut azi 2 perechi de cercelusi pentru niste prietene de familie, mama si fiica. Astia cu nasturi imi plac la nebunie, cred ca va trebui sa-mi fac si mie o pereche (cu culori mai decente, bineinteles).
I totally forgot about Green-eyed Monday this week! I have an excuse, it was more like zombie Monday.
Am uitat complet de Lunea invidiei saptamana asta. Am o scuza, avand in vedere ca a fost mai mult Lunea zombie.
greeting cards,
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