Sa va prezint ultima mea cunostinta.
Born and bred in a cold country of uncertain geographical location (Sadjikistan, some say; life must be pretty depressing there), the future doctor Maselarovic seized the opportunity to come and study dentistry at the prestigious university of Targu Mures, Romania.
Nascut si crescut intr-o tara rece cu locatie geografica incerta (Sadjikistan, spun unii; trebuie ca viata acolo e destul de deprimanta), viitorul doctor Maselarovic n-a ratat sansa de a veni sa studieze stomatologia la prestigioasa universitate din Targu Mures, Romania.Which he did admirably. However, certain demons from his blurry past, coupled with the continuous struggle of trying to keep sane in a country like Romania, have caused an irreparable split in our friend's personality, as well as significant hair loss.
Ceea ce a facut in mod admirabil. Totusi, anumiti demoni din trecutul lui cetos, impreuna cu lupta continua de a nu innebuni traind intr-o tara ca Romania, au cauzat o ruptura ireparabila in personalitatea prietenului nostru, precum si o cadere semnificativa a parului.
A mental chasm so deep that it can only be reconciled on the nights when Nervan eats copious amounts of icecream, clutching his teddy bear and wearing his fluffy slippers.
Un abis mental atat de adanc incat cele doua parti nu pot fi reconciliate decat atunci cand Nervan mananca inghetata in cantitati industriale, tinandu-si la piept ursuletul si purtandu-si papucii pufosi.
The rest of the time, he's one of two things:
In restul timpului, el e una din doua:
The devoted dentist, gruesomely efficient, viciously determined to fight plaque, completely oblivious to his own troubles and especially to the pain of others...
Dentistul devotat, groaznic de eficient, fioros de hotarat sa lupte cu tartrul, complet surd la propriile dureri, si mai ales la durerile altora...
If you dare express a liking for another team...Ceea ce a facut in mod admirabil. Totusi, anumiti demoni din trecutul lui cetos, impreuna cu lupta continua de a nu innebuni traind intr-o tara ca Romania, au cauzat o ruptura ireparabila in personalitatea prietenului nostru, precum si o cadere semnificativa a parului.
A mental chasm so deep that it can only be reconciled on the nights when Nervan eats copious amounts of icecream, clutching his teddy bear and wearing his fluffy slippers.
Un abis mental atat de adanc incat cele doua parti nu pot fi reconciliate decat atunci cand Nervan mananca inghetata in cantitati industriale, tinandu-si la piept ursuletul si purtandu-si papucii pufosi.
The rest of the time, he's one of two things:
In restul timpului, el e una din doua:
The devoted dentist, gruesomely efficient, viciously determined to fight plaque, completely oblivious to his own troubles and especially to the pain of others...
Dentistul devotat, groaznic de eficient, fioros de hotarat sa lupte cu tartrul, complet surd la propriile dureri, si mai ales la durerile altora...
...or the die-hard supporter of Poli Timisoara, a wild beast dressed in purple, serving no other power than the holy soccer ball.
...sau suporterul infocat al Poli Timisoara, o fiara in mov, nesupus niciunei alte puteri in afara de sfanta minge de fotbal.
...sau suporterul infocat al Poli Timisoara, o fiara in mov, nesupus niciunei alte puteri in afara de sfanta minge de fotbal.
Daca indraznesti sa te declari simpatizant al altei echipe...
or if you dare scream in his practice...
sau daca indraznesti sa tipi in cabinetul lui...
In other news today... Happy New Year!