Hello again!
Servus din nou!I have awarded myself the luxury of sleeping in for two days in a row, so now I am fresh and ready to show you impressions of my latest adventures in the world of craft.
Mi-am acordat luxul de a dormi pana la 10 in doua zile la rand, si acum sunt odihnita si gata sa va arat impresii din ultimele mele aventuri in lumea lucrului de mana.
I am quite proud of myself for what I have achieved this past month. I manged to stay sane with a full time job, every single minute of time outside the job spent working on the 20 dolls I made, with the sleepless nights, the races between work and bus stations and theatres while carting around bags and boxes full of dolls and pins and scissors and stuff... it was madness. Truth is my trusty elves were an immense help, I hope I find the proper way to thank them soon.
Sunt destul de mandra de ce am realizat in ultima luna. Am reusit sa fac 20 de papusi in timp ce am si lucrat full-time, am pierdut nopti, am fugit de la lucru la statii de bus si inapoi la lucru si la teatru si tot asa, carand dupa mine pungi si cutii cu papusi si tot felu' de alte chestii...a fost nebunie. Adevarul este ca elfii mei devotati m-au ajutat foarte mult. Sper ca voi gasi modul sa le multumesc, cat de curand.
So how about I try to put everything in an approximate chronological order?
Deci, ce-ar fi sa incerc sa pun totul cat de cat in ordine cronologica?
First, there were some mucklor. I haven't even tried to find them a name in English, but they were inspired by
Sven Nordqvist's mucklor (forever sorry I haven't bought the books when I had the chance), so I will call them by their Swedish name. They are cute and friendly and we had a good time in our little morning photo shoot.
La inceput au fost mishumacii. Sunt draguti si prietenosi si ne-am distrat de minune la mica noastra sesiune foto de dimineata. ...Apoi a fost o alta adunare de elfi. De data asta, spre marea mea surprindere, chiar au lucrat! Tot ceea ce planuisem sa fie facut in seara aia a fost terminat in doi timpi si trei miscari, si ne-a ramas si timp pentru bere si farse.

...And then...then, there was the last night before leaving for Bucuresti. Luckily, by then I was way too tired to panic. So I proceeded to make price tags for my beauties...
...Si apoi...apoi a fost ultima noapte inainte de plecarea la Bucuresti. Din fericire eram mult prea obosita ca sa ma mai panichez. Asa ca le-am facut etichete frumosilor mei...

...and some colour-coordinated packaging (which I later got compliments for :>)
...si niste ambalaje asortate pentru care am primit complimente mai tarziu.
Once I made sure their hair and clothes were looking the part, I gingerly packaged them for the 300km trip. Here are some pretty worried-looking individuals...
Odata ce m-am asigurat ca parul si hainele lor sunt in ordine, i-am impachetat cu delicatete si i-am pregatit pentru calatoria de 300km. Iata cativa indivizi destul de ingrijorati...
...but the cuddlecreeps didn't care much, they were as happy as ever!
...dar monstruletii erau la fel de fericiti ca intotdeauna!
In the end, it was 1:30am and I proceeded to feel good about finishing all the packing (and not even forgetting my toothbrush in the process!), when it dawned on me with a giant OMG that I had forgotten to make the present I was meant to give the little girl of the family I would be staying with.
In sfarsit, era 1:30 si am inceput sa ma simt bine pentru ca terminasem de impachetat si nici macar nu-mi uitasem periutza de dinti, cand mi-am dat seama ca uitasem sa fac cadoul ce trebuia sa i-l dau fetitei familiei la care urma sa stau.So it was back to the fabric shelves and the thread drawer and the sewing machine, choosing, measuring, cutting, embroidering, until, 2 more hours later, this was born:
Asa ca, inapoi la rafturile cu materiale, si la sertarul cu atze si la masina de cusut, alegand, masurand, taind, brodand, pana cand, 2 ore mai tarziu, s-a nascut asta:

And after the last heroic feat of the night, I slept a short sleep, woke up, ran to work, then ran to the bus which was to take me to Bucuresti. But that, my lads and lasses, is another story...
Si dupa ultima fapta eroica a noptii, am dormit un somn scurt, m-am trezit, am fugit la lucru, si de la lucru la autobuz, si cu el la Bucuresti. Dar asta, dragi copii, este o alta poveste...