Monday, December 14, 2009

...and then...

...then there was The Tale Factory. That is to say, a weekly radio show with children's stories, now releasing its fourth CD of cute brand new tales. And a great opportunity for me to set up a mini-exhibition of cute brand new dolls. It was so wonderful of them to invite me and my dolls over! We're forever grateful for it.
...apoi a fost Fabrica de Povesti. Adica o emisiune radio saptamanala de povesti pentru copii, care acum a lansat un CD cu povesti dragutze si nou noutze. Si o oportunitate extraordinara pentru mine de a-mi instala o mini-expozitie de papusi dragutze si nou noutze. A fost minunat din partea lor sa ne invite, pe mine si pe papusi. Suntem etern recunoscatori!

Here's me talking to the public. Thinking back now, I have no idea what I said, but my friends think I did well. Phew.
Asta's eu vorbind publicului. Acum ca ma gandesc, habar nu am ce le-am spus, dar prietenii zic ca m-am descurcat bine.
And here's me being interviewed by a nice TV lady. No idea what I said to her either, lucky I am in no danger of seeing myself, as I don't have a TV.
Si asta-s eu intervievata de o doamna dragutza. Nici ei nu stiu ce i-am spus, dar din fericire nu e nici un pericol sa ma vad, de vreme ce n-am TV.
The exhibition was set up in the theatre cafe, on the actual bar! The house sprites seem to have had fun, though:
Papusile le-am agatat in cafeneaua teatrului, direct pe bar! Dar se pare ca pe spiridusii de casa nu i-a deranjat deloc:
Some quieter ones:
Unele mai linistite:
The rowdy cuddlecreeps:
Monstruletii galagiosi:
And the brand new species of Falushtain, which, again, I shall name mucklor in English. The yellow one went home with the bar tender, as comission for selling my dolls in the rest of the week. He now travels around town in the guy's car, must be quite an adventurous life for a muckla!
Si specia nou noutza a Falushtainului, mishumacii. Cel galben a plecat acasa cu barmanul, drept comision pentru ca mi-a vandut papusile in restul saptamanii. Acum se plimba prin oras in masina baiatului, trebuie sa fie o viatza foarte aventuroasa pentru un mishumac!
...and, due to popular demand, a bonus: Carmina trying on some of Iuliana's creations. Iuliana who, you say. Iuliana who I'll talk about in a future post soon :>, datorita vointei poporului, un bonus: Carmina incercand una din creatiile Iulianei. Care Iuliana, va aud spunand. Iuliana despre care voi vorbiintr-un post viitor, cat de curand.
One more order to finish this week and then I'm free as a bird! I only have about 15 Xmas presents left to make... and the house cleaning... but apart from that, nothing at all!
Mai am o comanda de terminat saptamana asta si pe urma sunt libera ca pasarea! Nu mai am decat vreo 15 cadouri de curatzenia in casa... in rest, nimica-nimicutza!

1 comment:

Jules said...

Si eu sunt pe ultima suta de metri cu ultimul targ pe anul asta...Chilperic cred ca s-a acomodat bine in noua casa, nu l-am auzit sa se planga. Saptamana viitoare, dupa ce termin si eu curatenia (finally) o sa iti arat noul lui domeniu. Spor la creatie!