Sunday, November 18, 2012

Quilts for babies

I don't often make quilts, but when I do, it takes me months to finish them!
Nu fac quilturi foarte des, dar cand fac, imi ia luni sa le termin!
However, when I do finish them, I get reports of 4-year-old boys running through the house using the quilt as a cape, then counting the cars repeatedly, then snuggling in the quilt, then counting the cars again. Are those signs of a happy customer? I think yes :)
Totusi, atunci cand le termin, mi se spune despre un anume baietel de 4 ani care a fugit prin casa folosind quiltul drept mantie, apoi a numarat masinutele in mod repetat, apoi s-a invelit in quilt, apoi si-a mai numarat o data masinutele. Oare astea sunt semnele unui client fericit? Cred ca da :)
This quilt was to go together with a Tilda bunny. Unfortunately, the neck seam burst when I was filling it. My hand stitched repair job was less than satisfactory, so Mr. Bunny ended up with an unexpected bow tie to cover up my oopsie. But shh, don't tell the customers, please let it look like I meant it all along! It looks good like that anyway, I think I might make some more elegant bowtied bunnies. 
Acest quilt a fost comandat impreuna cu un iepuras Tilda. Din pacate, cusatura de la gat a plesnit atunci cand il umpleam. Am incercat eu sa cos ruptura cu mana, dar reparatia nu arata satisfacator. Asa ca domnu' Iepure a primit un papion neasteptat care sa-mi acopere greshelutza. Dar shhh, sa nu le spuneti clientilor, lasati-i sa creada ca asta era intentia mea de la bun inceput! Oricum, arata fain asa, cred ca voi mai face iepurasi eleganti cu papion.
The above-mentioned happy customer's little sister, being newly born, had more pressing issues to attend to and refrained from commenting on her own gifts. But her quilt looked like this:
Surioara mai sus mentionatului client fericit, fiind nou nascuta, avea chestiuni mai presante de rezolvat, asa ca s-a abtinut de la exprimarea de comentarii cu privire la cadourile ei. Dar quiltul pentru ea arata asa:
It was extremely hard to find fabrics in the shades of orange requested, so I improvised! Using 3 thrifted pillow cases and some left-over fabrics I had in my stash, I stamped and painted and stamped until I managed to make all the blocks come together nicely:
Mi-a fost foarte greu sa gasesc materiale in nuantele de portocaliu cerute, asa ca am improvizat. Folosind 3 fete de perna de la second si ramasite de materiale din casa, am stampilat si am pictat si iar am stampilat, pana cand am reusit sa fac toate blocurile sa se potriveasca frumos:
The baby girl also got a colour-coordinated doll to go with her quilt:
Fetita a primit si ea o papusa asortata cu quiltul:
No, the lace flower is not there to cover up another oopsie, it was ordered like that! You just have no faith in me, do ya?
Nu, floarea de dantela nu e acolo ca sa acopere alta greshelutza,asa a fost comandata! Voi chiar n-aveti nici pic de incredere in mine, asa-i?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bunnies and stuff

This time last year, I was lying in bed, my pitiful lingering interrupted only by bouts of vomiting and other equally unpleasant manifestations of food poisoning. I was spending what I thought were my last days on Earth... when a miracle happened! The postman brought me the parcel containing this book, which, in my terrible suffering, I had almost forgotten I had ordered. I spent a few hours in bed poring over every single page, template and image. It's just cuteness overload!
Anul trecut pe vremea asta zaceam in pat, cu lancezeala-mi intrerupta numai de varsaturi si de alte manifestari la fel de placute ale unei toxiinfectii alimentare. Imi traiam ceea ce credeam a fi ultimele mele zile pe pamant, cand miracolul s-a intamplat! Postasul mi-a adus coletul ce continea o carte de care, in suferinta mea atroce, aproape ca uitasem. Am petrecut cateva ore in pat uitandu-ma atent la fiecare pagina, fiecare imagine si fiecare tipar. Sun toate mai mult decat dulci!
Due to my new treasures or to my titanium immune system, not sure which, I lived not only to tell this tale, but to start making things out of the books. I started with two bunnies which turned out almost as cute as the ones in the book:
Datorita noii mele comori sau datorita sistemului meu imunitar infailibil, nu stiu exact care, am supravietuit nu numai ca sa pot spune aceasta poveste, ci si ca sa ma apuc sa fac lucruri din carti. Am inceput cu doi iepurasi care au iesit aproape la fel de draguti ca si cei din carte:
It wasn't long before they started doing.... what bunnies do best. Since, after years of crafting, I now find myself unable to follow a pattern thoroughly, I tweaked here and there: different kinds of ears, some bunnies got hats, some had names embroidered on their clothing, some were even dressed in fancy evening attire.
Nu a durat mult pana cand au inceput sa faca...ce fac iepurasii cel mai bine. Deoarece, dupa ani si ani de cusut, nu mai sunt capabila sa urmez un tipar intocmai, am modificat pe ici pe colo: diferite tipuri de urechi, unii iepurasi au primit palarii, altii broderii pe haine, altii au fost chiar imbracati in haine de seara.

People seem to love them, through no merit of mine but rather Tone's brilliant imagination. A couple even ended up in Canada, thus making Falushtain Inc a truly international enterprise:
Se pare ca lumea chiar ii place, dar asta nu este meritul meu ci al lui Tone si imaginatiei sale geniale. Doi iepurasi au ajuns chiar in Canada, facand Falushtain Inc o afacere cu adevarat internationala:
Although my friends don't quite understand the sketchy nature of Tilda's dolls and think it's cruel to leave them mouthless, it's precisely this quality I like. I think it looks even better on the fairies. I also tweaked this pattern, combining a couple of existing patterns from the book, and making everything smaller. 
Desi prietenii mei nu prea inteleg natura schematica a papusilor Tilda si li se pare crud sa le lasi fara gura, mie tocmai asta imi place. Cred ca asta arata cel mai bine la zanute. Le-am modificat un pic si pe ele, combinand mai multe tipare si facand totul mai mic:

This last one was adopted by J'ai Bistrot, the host of most of our fairs. She hovers in the window, guarding the customers' safe, albeit drunken passage to their homes.
Aceasta ultima zana a fost adoptata de J'ai Bistrot, gazda targurilor noastre. Pluteste in fereastra, veghind calatoria ametita a clientilor spre casa.
This is only the beginning of a long love affair with the Tilda brand, whose every creation is breathtakingly sweet to me and just begging to be made.
Acesta e doar inceputul unei relatii lungi si iubitoare cu marca Tilda, ale carei creatii pur si simplu cer sa fie facute.