Am fost foarte beteaga. Dar, in ciuda a ce credeam in noptile cand febra mea a batut orice record personal, n-am murit.
However, I was left rather devoid of energy. I have a gnome stuck halfway through a story, and he will never get home unless I do something about it. And I have 3 baby girls who might not sleep at all until I make them their soft cuddly sleep companions. And I have friends in need of some inspirational craftiness.
Totusi, am ramas cam golita de energie. Am un pitic blocat la jumatea unei povesti, si care n-o sa ajunga niciodata acasa daca nu fac ceva in legatura cu asta. Si am 3 fetite care s-ar putea sa nu doarma deloc pana cand nu le fac parteneri moi de somn. Si am prieteni ce au nevoie de niste mestesugit care sa inspire.
But I just... can't... be... bothered. I hope it goes away. Soon. Any tips for getting back "in the zone"?
Dar pur si simplu... n-am... chef. Sper ca-mi trece. Curand. Sugestii pentru cum sa revin in forta?
However, I was left rather devoid of energy. I have a gnome stuck halfway through a story, and he will never get home unless I do something about it. And I have 3 baby girls who might not sleep at all until I make them their soft cuddly sleep companions. And I have friends in need of some inspirational craftiness.
Totusi, am ramas cam golita de energie. Am un pitic blocat la jumatea unei povesti, si care n-o sa ajunga niciodata acasa daca nu fac ceva in legatura cu asta. Si am 3 fetite care s-ar putea sa nu doarma deloc pana cand nu le fac parteneri moi de somn. Si am prieteni ce au nevoie de niste mestesugit care sa inspire.
But I just... can't... be... bothered. I hope it goes away. Soon. Any tips for getting back "in the zone"?
Dar pur si simplu... n-am... chef. Sper ca-mi trece. Curand. Sugestii pentru cum sa revin in forta?