Wednesday, October 28, 2009

At last

Finally, I can show you my latest custom orders, as their existence must no longer be kept secret. I found it funny how I received two totally different orders at the same time. It made me instantly think of this pic, which I had seen on the net before:
In sfarsit, pot sa va arat ultimele comenzi, de vreme ce existenta lor nu mai trebuie tainuita. M-a distrat ca am primit doua comenzi diametral opuse in acelasi timp. M-am gandit imediat la poza asta, pe care o mai vazusem pe net:
Now, don't imagine I mean any direspect to either of the perfectly adorable ladies below:
Acuma sa nu va inchipuiti vreo lipsa de respect din partea mea fatza de vreuna din doamnele complet adorabile de mai jos:
the innocent, frail-looking, mysterious gothchild...
inocenta, delicata, misterioasa copila gotica....
...and the happy-go-lucky rainbow lover vesela iubitoare de curcubeie
I'm happy to have made two people happy today. Well, happier than her, that's for sure!
Ma bucur ca am facut doi oameni fericiti azi. Cu sigurantza ma bucur mai mult decat ea!


Sanda said...

Sunt super-dragutze! :-)
You made my day! Sunt sigura ca si noilor stapane le-au placut la nebunie...
Oricum, voiam sa-ti las un mesaj ca sa-ti urez din timp Happy Halloween! ;-)

CraftyGoth said...

Unul e stapan, can u believe it? :) Multumesc pt urarea anticipata. Si tie la fel (daca-i cazu') :)