In all the excitement of bragging with my latest stuff, I forgot to post a notice.
Cu tot entuziasmul laudei de sine, am uitat sa postez acest anuntz.
1. From now on, my blog will be bilingual. Might make it trilingual too one day, when I can express myself decently in a third language.
De acum incolo, blogul meu va fi bilingv. Cine stie, poate il fac si trilingv cand oi fi in stare sa ma exprim coerent in o a treia limba.
2. Falushtain now has an official pet: Karcsi the glow-in-the-dark bat. Don't worry, he won't go for your hair; he's too lazy to move from his spot at the side of the page.
Falushtain are acum un animal oficial: Karcsi, liliacul fosforescent. Nu va agitati, nu vi se va agatza in par; e prea lenes ca sa se miste din locsorul lui de la marginea paginii.