This is only about what is becoming a pretty standard cute-doll-with-name-pillow combination, except this time I tried a new way of painting her face. I think it results in a more expressive face than before, and I fell in love with her instantly (how narcissistic is that!).
Azi e vorba doar de ceea ce devine o combinatie standard de papusa cu pernita brodata cu nume. Cu exceptia faptului ca de data asta am incercat un nou mod de a-i picta fatza. Cred ca e mai expresiva decat fetzele dinainte, si m-am indragostit de ea instantaneu (ce narcicista-s!)
It was very hard to let her out of my loving arms, but I take comfort in the thought that somewhere in this city, Boroka is one happy baby, peacefully cuddling her doll to sleep.
A fost foarte greu sa-i dau drumul din bratele mele iubitoare, dar ma consoleaza gandul ca undeva in orasul asta, Boroka, un copil fericit, isi imbratiseaza papusa in somn.