Monday, September 10, 2012

New-faced cutie

This is only about what is becoming a pretty standard cute-doll-with-name-pillow combination, except this time I tried a new way of painting her face. I think it results in a more expressive face than before, and I fell in love with her instantly (how narcissistic is that!).
Azi e vorba doar de ceea ce devine o combinatie standard de papusa cu pernita brodata cu nume. Cu exceptia faptului ca de data asta am incercat un nou mod de a-i picta fatza. Cred ca e mai expresiva decat fetzele dinainte, si m-am indragostit de ea instantaneu (ce narcicista-s!)
It was very hard to let her out of my loving arms, but I take comfort in the thought that somewhere in this city, Boroka is one happy baby, peacefully cuddling her doll to sleep.
A fost foarte greu sa-i dau drumul din bratele mele iubitoare, dar ma consoleaza gandul ca undeva in orasul asta, Boroka, un copil fericit, isi imbratiseaza papusa in somn.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I can do other stuff too!

Actually, I can even paint upholstered furniture, but that's another story.
Stiu sa fac si alte chestii! De fapt, stiu si sa vopsesc mobila, dar asta-i alta poveste.
Right now I'll just show you a new product of the Falushtain creative line: diary and notebook covers. I love making these, they allow for infinite creativity. Making one generally gives me ideas for 5 more, and I just can't stop myself from making just one more. 
Acum o sa va arat doar un nou produs marca Falushtain: copere pentru agende si caiete. Imi place la nebunie sa le fac, poti sa fii creativ la nesfarsit cu ele. In timp ce fac una imi vin idei pentru altele cinci, si uite-asa nu ma mai pot opri.

Apart from the fact that making them is pure fun, I get to use all those little scraps I am loathe to throw away. And if I continue at this pace, at least I will have gained a head start on Xmas presents! :)
Pe langa faptul ca e fain sa lucrez la ele, apuc sa-mi folosesc si toate ramasitele pe care mi-ar fi greu sa le arunc. Si daca continuu in ritmul asta, macar am un mic avans la cadourile de Craciun :)