Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Papusi intre ani

These are this year's first dolls. Or last year's last dolls, I'm not sure. I had to finish them by December 31st, as I was meeting the "victim", Mircea, and his sneaky girlfriend, Laura, at the cabin for New Year's.
Acestea sunt primele papusi ale anului. Sau ultimele papusi ale anului trecut, nu-s sigura. A trebuit sa le termin pana in 31 decembrie, pentru ca urma sa ma intalnesc cu "victima", Mircea, si cu prietena lui, Laura, la cabana de Anul Nou.

Why sneaky? Because Mircea's birthday was only on the 6th of Jan, and we had to find a way to justify Laura leaving the cabin with a rather large and festively wrapped box in tow.
Dar a trebuit sa ne furisam, pentru ca ziua de nastere a lui Mircea era abia pe 6 ianuarie, si a trebuit sa gasim o cale de a justifica faptul ca Laura pleaca de la cabana cu o cutie mare si invelita frumos.

But the conspiracy was succesful, the surprise was unspoilt, and I hope my two new friends and their mini-me's will get along well.
Insa conspiratia a avut succes, surpriza n-a fost stricata si sper ca noii mei prieteni si sosiile lor in miniatura se vor intelege bine.

As these are meant to be travelling dolls, I'm looking forward to pictures of them in action!
Si avand in vedere ca acestea sunt papusi calatoare, abia astept sa vad poze cu ei in actiune!

For pics of the freshly-unwrapped dolls, go to Mircea's blog, here.
Pentru poze cu papusile proaspat descoperite, mergei pe blogul lui Mircea, aici.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Xmas Gifts Roundup

Happy New Year everybody! I hope your holidays were at least half as good as mine. I'll start the crafty new year with a round-up of the presents I made for Christmas. Almost everybody received something made by me, and all that did seemed to be rather pleased about it. So here are the products and the proud recipients:

La multi ani tuturor! Sper ca ati avut niste sarbatori cel putin asa de faine ca ale mele.Voi incepe noul an cusatoresc cu o recapitulare a cadourilor pe care le-am facut de Craciun. Aproape toata lumea a primit ceva facut de manuta mea, si se pare ca toti au fost multumiti. Asa ca iata produsele si mandrii lor proprietari:

Scarves and brooches...
Esarfe si brose...
...and their new owners: noul purtator:
...soft cotton hankies with snot already included...
...batiste noi de bumbac cu mucii gata inclusi...
...a very feminine pink neck warmer for skiing...
... un feminin "incalzitor de gat" (are nume in romana?) pentru schiat...
...dignified owls on phone cases...
... bufnite demne pe huse de telefon...
... some lazy pyjamas (the top says "5 more minutes")...
...pijamale lenese...
...spats gone wrong...
...jambiere cusute aiurea...
...everything packaged in little cotton sacks made from an old sheet and embroidered with the receiver's monogram:
... totul ambalat in saculeti de bumbac facuti dintr-un cearsaf vechi si brodati cu monograma celui ce urma sa-l primeasca:
So this was the quick overview of a handmade, eco-friendly, and satisfying Christmas. Hope Santa was generous with you. :)
Cam acesta a fost conturul unui Craciun facut de mana, ecologic si multumitor. Sper ca Mosul a fost generos cu voi toti! :)