Monday, August 31, 2009

Green-Eyed Monday

Much to your surprise, today I shall not pour forth my envy upon something creepy. Today, I envy Anna K. Why?
Spre marea voastra uimire, azi nu imi voi varsa invidia pe ceva macabru. Azi o invidiez pe Anna K. De ce?
Because I love trees.
Because Anna-Karin makes beautiful things, like this sterling silver chestnut tree pendant.
Because Anna-Karin takes great pictures.
Because Anna-Karin lives in Sweden.

Pentru ca imi plac copacii.
Pentru ca Anna- Karin face lucruri minunate.
Pentru ca Anna- Karin face poze grozave.
Pentru ca Anna-Karin locuieste in Suedia.

I'm a week late posting this. I'm sorry; you will find out the reasons in my next post.

Am intarziat o saptamana cu acest post. Imi cer scuze; motivele le veti afla in urmatorul post.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Green-Eyed Monday (on a Tuesday)

Yes, I'm late again. But better late than not envious at all!
Da, iar am intarziat. Dar mai bine mai tarziu decat neinvidios!

Today my heartfelt envy goes towards Melissa and her Halloween themed creations.
Azi invidia mea sincera se indreapta spre Melissa si creatiile ei inspirate din Halloween.

Now, I'm generally afraid of clowns, and her blog taught me there actually is a name for that. Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets spooked out by characters that are supposed to be amusing!
In general mi-e frica de clovni, si am aflat din blogul ei ca exista chiar si un nume pt fobia asta. Ma bucur sa vad ca nu sunt singura ciudata care se sperie de personaje ce ar trebui sa fie amuzante!
Hence, I give you Melissa's demented clown! He has black in the right amounts, spindly funny looking legs, a wide grin and even buttons! What's not to like?
Astfel, va prezint clovnul dement al Melissei! Are negru in proportii numa' bune, picioruse subtiri de tot rasul, un ranjet larg si chiar si nasturi! Cum sa nu-ti placa?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Green-Eyed Monday

I have recently discovered a host of doll artists who surpass every limit of crafty creepiness I thought possible up until recently. I feel like an innocent little child when I compare my dolls to the dark, spooky or downright disturbing creations I have seen. For this reason, I have decided to feature them in my Green Eyed Monday post one by one.

Nu demult am descoperit o gasca de creatori de papusi al caror macabru artizanal depaseste orice limite pe care mi le imaginam pana acum. Ma simt ca un copil inocent cand imi compar papushile cu creatiile lor intunecate si deviante. Din acest motiv, m-am decis sa le prezint in Lunea Invidiei una cate una.

Today, Pat and her elegant hat. I've always loved a good combination of darkness and humor, so there you have it:

Azi, Pat si eleganta ei palarie. Intotdeauna mi-a placut o combinatie buna de umor si macabru, asa ca poftim:
And I thought my stuff was creepy! Hah.
Si io care credeam ca lucrurile mele sunt de speriat! Ha.

But seriously, have a look at her dolls. They are so expressive they are worth an entire week of envy, not just one day!
Acuma serios, uitati-va si la papusile ei. Sunt asa de expresive ca merita o intreaga saptamana de invidie, nu doar o zi!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Green-eyed Monday

As I said a while ago, this Green-eyed Monday goes to Kati, for all her cute and very well made things, which I would never have the patience to attempt. I chose this little bag because it's in my favourite colour and it has a very clever design that I haven't seen before.

Dupa cum am spus mai demult, aceasta luni a invidiei i se aloca lui
Kati, pentru toate chestiile dulci si foarte frumos lucrate pe care le face si de care eu n-as avea niciodata rabdare sa ma apuc. Am ales gentutza asta pt ca e in culoarea mea preferata si are un model foarte dashtept pe care nu l-am mai vazut pana acum.