I have so many pics to show you, but I'll try to put things into some sort of makeshift order so I'll start with the beginning: preparations for the fair.
Am atatea poze sa va arat, dar voi incerca sa pun lucrurile intr-un fel de ordine improvizata si voi incepe cu inceputul: pregatirile pentru targ.I sewed the packaging myself, from big-big sheets of paper:
Ambalajele le-am cusut eu din foi mari-mari de hartie:
And this was the closing system for each bag:
Si asta a fost sistemul de inchidere pt fiecare punga:
I was accompanied on my trip by the following good lads and lasses (apart from the ones you have already met):
Am fost insotita pe drum de urmatorii (in afara de cei pe care ii cunoasteti deja):
Mia & Robbie:






And a host of keycreeps:
Si o gasca de dracusori pt chei:
I somehow managed to finish my leaf earrings (made from
this). I liked all of them so much I was loathe to put them up for sale. Even if they weren't as succesful as I expected, there were a select few who understood what they were all about and bought without hesitation.
Am reusit cumva sa-mi termin si cerceii-frunze (facuti din asta).

And some pics from the fair, most of them courtesy of
my trusty assistant. ;>
Si niste poze de la targ, majoritatea obtinute prin amabilitatea destoinicului meu asistent.
Official photograph in front of my stand. Viewer discretion is advised (try to ignore the obscene backdrop of my inoccent tree).
Fotografie oficiala in fata standului. A se privi numai cu acordul parintilor (incercti sa ignorati fundalul obscen and inocentului meu copac).

Amused visitors.
Vizitatori amuzati.
It was hard to keep the cuddlecreeps well-behaved for the entire day. (This following photo also deserves a note. The outrageously bright fabric Pepin is wearing was a Christmas gift from Wendy, for which I never had a chance to thank her on my blogs. Thanks, Wendy!)
A fost greu sa-i fac sa stea cuminti o zi intreaga. (Poza urmatoare are nevoie de o observatie. Materialul super-colorat pe care-l poarta Pepin a fost un cadou de Craciun de la Wendy, pt care n-am apucat sa-i multumesc public. Mersi, Wendy!)

Transaction in progress.
Tranzactie in desfasurare.
Happy customers:
Clienti fericiti:Elena, the organizer of
GreenFair, who just had to have Mia.
Elena, organizatoarea GreenFair, careia i-a fost musai s-o aiba pe Mia.
Sigeric on the way to his new home.
Sigeric in drum spre noua lui locuinta.
A fellow-exhibitor who bought 3 of my girl cuddlecreeps!
O colega de targ, care a cumparat 3 dintre monstruletze!

A girl who loves ivy happened to be in the right place at the right time, and got herself a nice pair of ivy leaves as earrings.
O fata careia ii place mult iedera s-a intamplat sa fie la timpul si locul potrivit pt a-si procura o pereche de frunze de iedera drept cercei.
All in all, I loved the atmosphere of the fair; I made friends, I had fun and I got to spread the word about Falushtain.
In general, mi-a placut atmosfera targului; mi-am facut prieteni, m-am distrat si am si dat sfoara-n... oras cu privire la Falushtain.